Saturday, July 28, 2007

Don't let stereotypes deter interracial friendships

interracial friendships

China DukesChina Rae Dukes, of Augusta, is entering her junior year at Gull Lake High School. There, she has served as class president and participated in the Model United Nations. She is captain of the Color Guard and has participated in concert band, softball and sideline and competitive cheering. Her mentor is Stephanie Esters.

Michael Cody admits that he had some preconceived notions about one of his friends, a 15-year-old biracial teen who looks African-American.
"I thought that my friend listened to just rap, but when I met (him), he liked to listen to Bob Marley and Jimi Hendrix, and that's the music I like," said 14-year-old Michael, who is entering his sophomore year at Gull Lake High School.

Cody, who is predominantly white, says that there are a lot of stereotypes out there and a lot of preconceived notions about different nationalities, but that still hasn't prevented the two from becoming best friends.

While some might think that having friends of a different race shouldn't be a problem, it still can be.

Interracial friendships are an "act of revolution" and "a triumph of imagination," writes one of the authors in "Some of My Best Friends," a book about interracial friendships.In fact, believing in or trying to perpetuate stereotypes of differing ethnic groups actually keeps people of differing backgrounds from developing healthy friendships, said one local expert.

Zawdie Abiade, a consultant on issues of diversity, said people should realize that interracial friendships allow them to grow, "to expand their thinking."

"I think it's important (to have friends of other races), and it goes back to my concept of the 'other,'" said Abiade, who runs Abiade & Abiade Associates.

He said he has good friends of many different races; Abiade, who is African-American, said his best friend is his wife, whom he describes as European and of German descent."Having relationships with people from other cultures and races challenges us to expand our thinking in ways that we cannot do in a homogenous environment -- but the assumption is that we want to expand our thinking," Abiade said.

"Interracial friendship is a way to expand your thinking," he said. "People of various cultures process things differently."

Sabrina Burnett, a 14-year-old student at Gull Lake High School, says that her ethnicity has led people to have preconceived notions about her. Her own ethnic background is a mix of Potawatomi Indian, Caucasian and African-American.

"When you don't communicate with people, all they have to depend on is stereotypes," Abiade said. "We become comfortable with our stereotype, then our stereotype inhibits us from checking in with other people ... and then it becomes difficult to check in with each other."

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Interracial love&relationship help and advice - To whom interested in biracial love&friends

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Interracial Dating Advice for Today’s World

Perhaps you need interracial dating advice because you’re considering trying interracial dating, or maybe you’ve already found a special person and as a couple you’ve run into some problems.

1. Interracial Dating Advice About Your Families

If you’re dating someone who is a different race, success or failure of the relationship can be influenced by your families. While some people think nothing of it, others will have a hard time accepting this new relationship in your life.

2. Acknowledge Racial Differences Positively

 Don’t try to “become” one culture or another. You’ve chosen to explore interracial dating for a reason. Celebrate by taking turns getting to know more about each other’s cultures and backgrounds. It will mean a healthier, more intricate whole for your relationship

3. Ignore the Disapproval of Others

4. Be Realistic

In the end, there is no interracial dating advice that can cover every possible problem that may arise out of interracial dating. On the other hand, no one else can understand just how wonderful an interracial relationship can be unless they’ve done so themselves. So my best interracial dating tip is to hold your heads high, respect each other completely, and explore new relationship territories side by side.                                    

Advice on Interracial Dating at Love-Sessions

With the distance between us, I flew to Seattle to meet her. We fell in love with each other soon and we feel happy and thankful. We will marry soon.

Though it is becoming more and more accepted in society today, interracial dating and relationships still cause conflicts and suffer from judgment. There are many who choose to share their love and life with one of another color, which is wonderful because love sees no color.

Unfortunately, not everyone sees it this way and that includes family and friends. The opinions of your parents, other relatives and friends truly effect how you feel about yourself and the way you handle your relationship. Being accepted as a couple would make things much more comfortable and harmonious, but that is the thing about interracial dating. . . it can be more challenging than most relationships. Try Interracial relationship now.

It is difficult to ignore or not let the judgment of others influence your emotions and thoughts, especially because most of the judgment that will be served to you will come from your immediate family. It may sound hopeless, but there are ways you can keep your relationship and help your family understand and accept your decision. Love-Sessions offers you interracial dating advice that will assist you in using methods that could make the situation less rocky and more pleasant. You will also be advised on how to save your relationship from damage and how to keep it happy and loving, as well as ways on how to progress your relationship in growing more loving and stronger, regardless of the judgment and criticism it faces and will face.

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